Cardboard pallet

Una soluzione espositiva può essere realizzata interamente in cartone? Si, grazie anche al bancaletto in cartone integrato nel corpo dell’espositore: leggero, resistente e sostenibile, una valida alternativa alle classiche strutture in legno! Progettato e realizzato da Fag Artigrafiche, la soluzione monomateriale in cartone non richiede trattamenti fitosanitari e può essere riciclata direttamente nella raccolta carta.…

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Scatola con stampa su cartoncino avana


Think Green, Pack Better! How can a business approach oriented towards sustainability be described through packaging? In addition to the solutions that allow to reduce the number of packaging and the choice of FSC certified paper, Fag Artigrafiche offers offset printing on brown cardboard. This solution can be made in one or more colors and…

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Print on the inside of the box

For the world of e-commerce and for the shipment of products, Fag Artigrafiche offers different types of packaging, from the box with safety closure to the box with an easy-strip ribbon applied. To optimize costs and transport volumes and to reduce packaging, various solutions can be produced with brown cardboard on the outside and graphics…

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Alveo Tray

The Alveo Tray consists of a single component, with machine-glued side flaps. Lightweight and easy to handle, it travels flat, reducing transport and storage costs and problems. At the point of sale, thanks to the self-forming structure, a few simple steps will be enough to put it in volume. The Alveo Tray is not only…

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